First, check the three lights on the top of your WiFiBOX device. Focus on the leftmost light.
A. If the light is flashing white:
The device is in the process of preparing for connection. Please wait until the flashing stops. If you are in a location with poor signal strength, it may take 5 to 10 minutes for the flashing to stop and the device to complete the connection preparation.
B. If the light is solid white:
Please refer to the article "My data connection is very slow. Why?" for troubleshooting steps.
C. If the light is solid red:
The red LED light indicates that the device is not connected to the internet. The four main reasons for this are:
1. Your current country does not match the plan you subscribed to:
For example, if you have subscribed to the "Mexico plan" and are currently in the United States, you will not be able to connect to the internet using WiFiBOX. Similarly, if you have subscribed to the "mainland United States plan" and are currently in Brazil, you will not be able to connect to the internet.
2. Your current usage period does not match your subscription:
If you have received your WiFiBOX device earlier than your scheduled start date, you will not be able to connect to the internet yet. You need to wait until your "Pick-up date". If you have already passed your "Return date", you need to extend your subscription.
3. You are in a location with poor signal strength:
The WiFiBOX device may not be able to catch a signal properly if you are in a location with poor signal strength. Try moving to a location with better signal strength, such as near a window, and restart the WiFiBOX device several times.
4. There may be a problem with your WiFiBOX device:
If none of the above applies, there may be a problem with your WiFiBOX device. Please contact customer support first. They will promptly contact the carrier on your behalf. The carrier will then attempt to troubleshoot the WiFiBOX device.